2021 Awards of Excellence - Edmonton Region
- The Isabelle , Best Single Family between 1M to $1.5 Million
- Finalist - Builder Of the Year
2019 Awards of Excellence
- The Balance, Best Single Family between $850,000 to $1,000,000
- Donsale, Best Single Family between $700,000 to $850,000
- Environmental Recognition
2018 Awards of Excellence
- Pinnacle Award - Builder of the Year
- Environmental Recognition
2017 Awards of Excellence
- Finalist for Best Customer Experience from Customer Insight
- Environmental Recognition
2016 Awards of Excellence
- Environmental Recognition
- Finalists for 4 single family for the Edmonton Region Awards of Excellence.
2015 Awards of Excellence
- Augusta, Best Estate Home over $1,000,000
- Environment Recognition
- Best duplex or Townhose Project, Edmonton and Alberta Awards of Excellence.
2014 Awards of Excellence
- Chelsea, Best Estate Home between $800,000 - $1,000,000
- Second Place for Small Volume Builder of the Year
2014 Awards of Excellence
- The Newport, Best Single Family over $300,000
- The Greyhawk, Best Single Family over $450,000
- The Chelsea, Best Single Family between $750,000 - $1,000,000
2012 Awards of Excellence
- Finalist, Escape, Best Single Family $430,000 - $550,000
- Finalist, Braeside, Best Single Family Over $425,000
- Finalist, Environment Recognition